Doctor's Orders

Why Should We Worry About Ticks?


Joseph L. Chow, MD, MBA President and Chief Medical Officer, Ambulatory Care TeamHealth


While it is common to hear about nuisance mosquitoes in the summertime and the threat of mosquito-borne illnesses, ticks have been making headlines recently due to an increase in tick populations. With that comes an increased concern of tick-related diseases. Specifically, Powassan virus (POW) is an arbovirus that is transmitted to humans by infected ticks. For more information on POW visit


Help Prevent Tick Bites

When tick populations pose a threat, people should:

  1. Use tick repellents
  2. Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants
  3. Avoid bushy and wooded areas
  4. Do thorough tick checks after spending time outdoors.


How to Check for Ticks

It is important to find and remove ticks immediately before they have a chance to bite and attach. To find ticks, bathe or shower (preferably within 2 hours after being outdoors) to wash off and conduct a full-body tick check. Parents should thoroughly check children, especially in their hair. Also examine clothing, gear and pets. If you suspect a tick bite, go to healthcare facility near you to remove the tick.


If You Find a Tick

Ticks can be removed with tweezers but many prefer for healthcare providers to remove the insect to prevent possible breakage. ParkMed provides proper removal, thorough cleaning and checks for any residual effects of the bite.


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